i-law platform registration changes

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ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS FOR the twelve titles that the library subscribes to on the i-law platform have been updated in Library OneSearch and Library OneSearch Pro.

Previously, students and staff members accessing titles such as Construction Law Reporter and Lloyd’s maritime and commercial law quarterly were required to use a secure shared username and password.

Now individual account registration is required on the i-law platform, based on an NTU staff or student email address.

A new library guide (linked to from all twelve subscribed i-law titles available through Library OneSearch) provides an illustrated walkthrough of the account registration process.

New resource: i-law platform

Access to eight law reports on the i-law platform has been enabled in SFX. Access is direct on-campus (once you enter a university email address to confirm your association with NTU) and with the addition of a resource-specific username and password (available on the Other Passwords page of the library web site) from off-campus. The available titles are as follows:

These titles will be indexed in the SFX A-Z list and be available through journal searches in Library OneSearch shortly.
