Elsevier Science Direct – some sign in issues for off campus users

Elsevier are currently investigating an issue with sign in for off campus access.

After arriving at an article page if you choose the purchase pdf option and then sign in via your institution, after selecting Nottingham Trent University login and completing NTU single sign in, you are presented with a 404 error page.

science direct 404 error

Until this is resolved off campus users should select the sign in option to the top right of the screen, as this ‘sign in via your institution’ route works ok.

Science direct sign in option

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) ‘at risk’ this morning

The streaming video service Box of Broadcasts (BoB) has just announced that they will be carrying out some unscheduled maintenance work this morning (Friday 2 March) and that the service should be considered ‘at risk’ until 12:30.

UPDATE, 13:30: The maintenance period has overrun, but BoB indicate that services should be fully restored shortly.

UPDATE, 16:00: The maintenance period has now concluded and BoB services are accessible once more.

BoB - new platform