New resource: eBooks from the Knowledge Unlatched initiative

Access to a total of sixty-five eBook titles made available through the Knowledge Unlatched initiative are now available through Library OneSearch. With funding jointly provided by libraries signing up to the initiative, the titles included in the collection are made available as open access full-text. This first set of titles are from the ‘pilot’ and ’round 2′ phases of the projects. A further forty-one titles will be released during the ’round 2′ phase, and these will be added to LOS as they are made accessible.

As Open Access publications, full-text access is unrestricted. Titles already accessible through Library OneSearch include:

IOP Concise Physics and Expanding Physics eBook collections – new titles

An additional 38 eBooks from Release 2 of the Institute of Physics Concise Physics and Expanding Physics eBook collections are now discoverable in Library OneSearch. As with the other titles in the collection, access is by university username and password. New titles include:

Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) eBook project enters selection phase

The library’s current Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA) eBook project, which involved making tens of thousands of new eBook titles available for customer discovery in Library OneSearch, has entered its selection phase (during which the library decides which titles will be bought outright in perpetuity, and which will be withdrawn from the collection). This selection process has begun, following the conclusion of the discovery phase of the project at the end of April.

While final selections are agreed, the following sets of eBook titles have been suspended from discovery in Library OneSearch:

  • Bloomsbury (2,013 titles)
  • Cambridge University Press (30,391 titles)
  • Sage (4,306 titles)
  • Oxford Scholarship Online (11,812 titles)

EBA eBook titles which have been added to resource lists during the discovery phase should still continue to be accessible through the links provided in the RLMS.

Once title selections have been confirmed for each provider, the purchased titles will updated and made discoverable once again in Library OneSearch.

The Wiley EBA package (consisting of 17,879 titles) will continue to be active until the end of May.