Talis RLMS – removal of legacy List View and Edit

FOLLOWING AN EXTENDED period of parallel running, the legacy List View and List Edit functions has been withdrawn (11 January) from Talis Aspire.

This means that all list editing, updating and publishing operations in the RLMS now take place within the New List Edit environment.

LLR moved to the New List functionality as a default in September 2019, but the legacy List operations had continued to be accessible since that time.

Talis have completed the withdrawal process now that all customers have moved over to the new style functionality.

Talis have updated walkthroughs for different elements of New List Edit on their site, including guides to:

Also available from Talis is a New List Edit – Overview and a collection of New List Edit – guidance videos.

There are no changes to the way that students access and make use of lists, but guidance for library teams and for list editing academics may need to be updated to take account of the final withdrawal of this earlier version functionality.