Bloomsbury Collections platform migration

Screenshot of a Bloomsbuy Collection subject page for Film Studies Archive

Bloomsbury Collections will be migrating to a new improved platform in late July.

As the library has access to e-books through some of these collections, including:

Early Modern History Archive 1971-2013

Film & Media Studies 2014

Family and Social Law

They have advised the following for people who’ve created personal accounts and bookmarked existing content:

If you are an instructor, librarian, or student with an existing personal account, please note that you will need to set up a personal account on the new Bloomsbury Collections site after the migration at the end of July. This is a simple process that can be done quickly and easily.

To set up a new personal account, click on ‘Sign into your personal account’ in the upper right-hand corner. You will then be prompted to set up a new account or use an existing one.  If you already have an account set up with one of Bloomsbury’s other digital products, you can use that log in.  If not, you’ll be able to set up a new one at that time.

Bookmarks saved to personal accounts on the current Bloomsbury Collections site will not be retained, so prior to migration please save the links to your favorite pages within your own browser, so you do not lose them.”